Don't let the Tories steal your vote

The Tories have quietly changed the law to make it so you need proof of your identity to vote – an attempt at voter suppression. Don't get caught out: check now that your photo ID is valid for voting.

Valid photo ID for voting


+ Isle of Man,
Channel Islands,
British Overseas Territories

Local travelcard

Only the ones for older and disabled people (see full list for more info)

National ID card

Issued by an EU or EEA state (the UK has no national ID card scheme)

Driving licence:

+ Isle of Man,
Channel Islands,
British Overseas Territories
Includes provisional driving licences

Blue badge

Parking permit with photo

PASS card

Proof of age card with the PASS logo hologram

See the full list. One unusual thing: you can also use expired photo ID "as long as it looks like you". (Source)

If you need voter ID, apply by 5pm on 25 April

Free government-issued voter ID

Voter Authority Certificate

The government has a duty to provide voter ID to anyone who does not have ID. This is called a Voter Authority Certificate.

Are you a student?

PASS logo card

If you are a student then you have an extra option, a free Citizencard PASS-logo card from the National Union of Students.

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